Talk Less, Do More. Actions Speak for themselves.

How can I say this politely without offending anyone, hmm? Talk less and do more. Sounds easy enough, but guess how many people say they will do something and talk a big game, but when the time comes, hey.. they are still talking about it and yet haven’t taken any action. 

We all like to talk about goals, talk about doing vacations and talk about losing weight, eating healthier, driving the speed limit, and what not, but as soon as the time comes where we need to take action, we don’t. We end up regretting it 30 days later and then end up starting where we were: talking a good game but still haven’t done shit about it. The majority of people who “talk” more are talking because they are hoping that someone will enable them to do it, give them a reason to do whatever it is they want to do.. so when someone says “wow, that is cool, you should do it” , it doesn’t mean back out and and turn around and count all the excuses, it means do it, like actually do it. 


This whole thing works for multiple things, but as a fitness/health blogger, I figured I better talk about this subject to narrow things down. So many people want to start something: CrossFit, obstacle courses, weight loss, weight gain, fitness apps, fitness blogs, group fitness, etc and yet so many of those people end up not going through with it for different reasons. I hear it all the time, “I want to start losing weight, but.. it is hard and I have tried it before and didn’t work”, why didn’t it work? because you didn’t start realistically, you started with too high of expectations, you didn’t have the support necessary and your motivational level was running dry, not to mention you put other things first and it didn’t help with making your health a priority.  Am I mad at you? no, not at all. It isn’t easy to do what we say sometimes, sometimes we run into issues that life throws at us and we have to reorganize our priorities and it becomes frustrating. Trust me, I know this for fact happens, it has happened to me so many different times; continues to happen to me. I didn’t make this post to criticize you, I made this post to help myself do what needs to be done in order to do what I want to do. 


I came up with a plan on how I can talk less and do more and it starts with:

  • Taking control of needs and wants
  • making people apart of my plans, either they support my goals, journeys, choices or they don’t, but if they don’t, get out of the way. 
  • know my purpose for wanting to do something or needing to do something; purpose helps
  • Don’t do something based on the fact others do it, do it because you want to do it
  • Either I start today or I don’t start at all (metaphorically speaking) don’t have a deadline, just start when you are ready and come prepared. 
  • don’t give up and don’t give in to negativity

Short list but helpful list. Sometimes we struggle taking action and when we do, we look for a purpose and reason and well, this list is my way of helping you and helping myself with whatever it is you need help getting started in. If we talk about wanting to do something, then let’s be the proof we did it! 


Your Fitness Blogger,

Shay-lon xxx

Published by WonderWoman & Fit

You can assume I have a love for fitness & a love for Wonderwoman -- both assumptions are correct. I am an ACSM certified personal trainer of 8+ years -- I currently reside in Ohio and live a simplistic life at the age of 29. If I am not lifting, I am eating, sleeping, traveling, exploring, or movie watching. I recently moved during a pandemic, now I am focused on self care (self love), building a business of my own in personal training, becoming a professional blogger, starting a podcast and doing things that make me happy! I am a sister, daughter, and loyal friend --- I love everyone's dog and I am on a mission to pet as many dogs as possible everywhere I go! LOL. My mission is to talk health (physical/mental), design programming, motivational speak, learn, grow, prosper, build others and make as many people smile as possible because I want nothing more than to be the change I seek in the world.

77 thoughts on “Talk Less, Do More. Actions Speak for themselves.

  1. This is such a great post. I think most people like to talk about everything they want to do and all the plans they have but very few people actually go through with it. And the weird thing is most people who actually don’t give up and work non-stop towards their goals actually end up achieving so much. I think it’s important to remember that your mentality is just so important when it comes to achieving your goals or even just doing anything in general. I really like how you’re working towards your goals and are even making a plan on what to do. I’ve been trying to do the same and trying to do things in reality rather then dreaming about them all the time.

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    1. PoojaG,
      How are you doing? and thank you so much! Dreaming is exactly what I do, and then I write it down and decide how I can go about doing that. I think it is very difficult to do so much when we have so much we want to do (especially us younger crowd), we have so much we want to do and sometimes it is hard to do everything we want to do, that is my issue – I want to do so much .. listless!


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    2. I’m doing good except I had to stand in a queue for three hours today (literally) to fill a form which was a little annoying. How are you?? I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever!!
      Yeah you are so right I have so many dreams I want to achieve and most people are like that so of course we do have to prioritize what we want. Like for me it’s getting my doctorate and writing. 🙂

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    3. 3 hours? wow that is a long time, was it fun!? lol. jk. why did you have to be there for 3 hours, the form took that long to fill out..
      I know, we haven’t had one of our good conversations in a long time, but I am glad we are catching up now. Doctorate degree, I wish I had that much motivation to stay in school that long, you are better than me! lol. I loved school, but I don’t know if I could ever make it to the Doctorate — a lot of work, but I do know, that you will get there, keep making it a priority and you won’t slow down.

      Have any plans for the day? or next couple of days? how is the blog coming, I seen the post where you were asking for ideas from us readers. Did you get any new ideas?


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    4. Lol no it was not fun whatsoever! Well I had to apply for an ID so we had to stand in the queue for over an hour and then we had to fill a form and then take pictures then fill another form and then stand in line and then fill another form. It was so exhausting but at least it’s over with for now. It takes forever to do such things in most third world countries which sucks and sometimes you have to do not very moral things because of corruption (bribe people). Next time I’m there I’ll take a picture to show you how crazy the queue is!
      Well even though you’re not aiming for a doctorate you’re getting so much done and I mean you have actually written articles which is so awesome and you are so popular with so social media and you have a YouTube channel! If I was doing so much at once I would probably collapse! I can barely handle my blog 😝
      I have been so busy lately because there was a university fair last week and then I was meeting with some university representatives this week and applying to a bunch of places. Luckily most of the universities have history and political science so I have a pretty big range to choose from.
      Yeah I did get a few ideas and I’m working on some of those posts which will be fun. Like one of the ideas was to write about my role model which I hope to do soon!
      How about you? How have you been and what have you been up to lately??

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    5. Yes, take more pictures, I enjoyed your pictures from Kenya 🙂 I like the visuals of your world and culture, it definitely amazes me. No worries, it takes a long time here too most days to get a driver’s license or renew one, ugh. Annoys me. I will have to renew mine this year in March >.< not lookijng forward to it.
      There are days I do want to collapse, no worries, I probably do that every Sunday when I am not as active.
      Oh wow, that is great news! I am happy you have been busy with finding Universities PoojaG , that is very important, more important than blogging because that is your future 😀 did you enjoy the University Fair?

      Have you thought about whether you will still be blogging once you attend an University, or how often or anything?
      I am eager to read who your role model is, this will be good, very good idea.

      I have been doing fairly well, just keeping busy and trying to get things done, I have so much I want to finish up before the summer comes and I am going to be retaking my exam soon for personal training, so hopefully that goes over well. I haven't been studying as often as I like because of blogging and YouTube.

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    6. Yeah sure I’ll send you some pictures of what Kenya’s like! It’s always fun to see how people live in other countries!! I’m usually fascinated by Americans 🙂
      Urghh I haven’t even bothered getting my drivers license yet because I just do not have the strength to go through that whole process. I’ve just been driving without it right now and I think I’ll try to get one maybe when I’m in university. It sucks that you have to go through such long queues and stuff in America too! I thought it would be different in first world countries!
      The university fair went really well and I have finally decided the universities I want to apply to and what my first choice is! It was also really helpful because they told me what kind of job opportunities and stuff I would have which was very interesting. It was super crowded though and my makeup melted a little but it was totally worth it!
      Oh wow good luck for your exam! I’m sure you’ll do great. Yes blogging alone can be so much work I don’t know how you do so much other stuff too! But exams are important too so you just need to find a balance with all the stuff you’re doing and you’ll be okay!

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    7. Ahh, you should go through the whole process again! hahaha.- imagine this time around being fun! What Universities did you apply for? I like that they told you about job opportunities, that is important to know. How long do you think it will take before hearing back from the schools you applied to? When do you want to start school?

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    8. Well I mostly applied to universities in Ontario because it’s the least cold there but I’ll apply to University Of Manitoba too because some of my friends are there. My first choice though is Brock University which is in St. Catherines and close to the US which is cool cos a lot of my friends go to universities in America and it would be fun to meet up with them. Yeah actually the representatives were really helpful and they even told me some of the places I could do internships in or where they could help me get a job in the future and how I could apply for permanent residency in the future. So far Canadians seem super nice! I think I will probably have heard from them by May because I have to start applying for Visas too then so I need to know by end of May. I hope to start by beginning of September but I will probably go to Canada a little earlier so I can kind of get settled down a little before school starts.
      When is your exam by the way?? How much more time do you have left?

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    9. Oh wow! Canada Universities? that is awesome. never been there, but I have heard all good things about it. I suppose it will be something new (culture, diversity) which is good, it will expand your knowledge. May will be here soon, but you have plenty of time, fingers crossed, that you get accepted at one of your many choices. What are Visas for? like currency?
      Well, I can choose when to do my exam, I would like to do it before my Birthday in March and hopefully pass 🙂 I just have to have the money to pay for it, expensive stuff.


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    10. Yeah Canada seems like a pretty diverse place and like half of the people I knew from school have gone there so at least I’ll know some people which will be nice. Yeah May is so soon and I’m totally terrified but the representative said I have a really good chance of getting in so let’s see!
      The Visa is because I’m a Kenyan citizen so I can’t legally go anywhere in America without Visas. So I’ll have to get student Visas which I think won’t be that hard once I get my acceptance letter. Yeah I’m going to have to get some currency changed too but that will be later.
      Oh that’s cool that you get to choose when to do your exam! What date id your Birthday?? Yes it’s insane how expensive universities in the US are so I’m guessing the exam is quite expensive too!

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    11. Ahh a visa enables you to live and reside in the US? that is cool. I never heard of a visa besides my credit card. LOL. At least May should provide nice weather (at leats here in my states it normally is summer by then).
      My birthday .. is.. LOL you will find out soon 🙂
      Universities are really expensive, many times students graduate with huge amounts of debt from loans and some are unable to find work in their majors. I hope we get a bill passed to decrease the cost of colleges, it would be nice.

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    12. Yeah the Visa will allow me to live in America but only until I’m done with university and then I have to apply for a work Visa or a permanent residency or a citizenship. It’s tough being a foreigner!! 😕😜
      Yeah I was so shocked when I read the prices for US universities especially in places like California and New York. I mean of course it’s more expensive for me as an international student but it’s quite high for US citizens too. I mean it’s sad that you have to take a loan for education and then have to spend the rest of your life paying off that loan. Yeah I really hope you guys get better tuition fees or completely free tuition like they have in some countries.

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    13. Yes this would be very nice. Most college students in the US go homeless or broke because it is hard to afford their bills while going to school. It isn’t easy being a “grown up”. California and New York are very expensive and so is there cost of living, which makes it even more difficult unless you have a good paying job or internship and/or choose to live in bad neighborhoods. lol

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    14. That is so sad. Honestly it’s ridiculous that people with degrees have to live on the streets and suffer so much for nothing more that being interested in something different and wanting a good education. Yeah one of my friends is in New York and she was telling me how crazy expensive it is although to be fair America does have very good scholarships especially for international students. What university did you go to??

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    15. Yes, I know someone who decided to go into the army because it would be difficult to find a job in her major .. but I mean she supposedly also wanted to travel and so it worked out for her, but she is now ready to get out of the army.
      Yes, we do have grants and scholarships, which is a good thing, I am not sure how grad school or medical school works though but for undergraduate degrees they are nice! very nice and useful 🙂
      Well I went to different schools, because I graduated in high school in Colorado and so started off in school in colorado and then went to a community school, then when I moved back to Ohio, I went to a community college to get my degree (because it would be cheaper at the time/but ended up changing majors anyways) so .. I was going to go to Bowling green University but then decided I didn’t want to go to another college until I got certified in personal training and decided whether or not if I need a higher educational degree again..

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    16. Oh it’s nice that it worked out for her but I’m sure there are quite a few people who join the army because they don’t really have much of a choice which is really sad. Plus being in the army is definitely one of the toughest things ever and I heard they don’t get very good benefits once they come back which is just really sad.
      Yeah you get good scholarships for undergraduate degrees. In Canada though, I don’t know if it’s like that in all universities or just some but they sponsor you for your Master and Doctorate so you only pay for your accommodation which I really liked.
      Oh wow that’s really interesting. Yeah I think a lot of people are pretty undecided when they go to university at first and change majors.

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    17. Yes, I heard their benefits are so great when they come back out too. I don’t know how true it is, but I am sure there is some truth to that depending on your rank.
      They sponsor you? that is unique, I have never heard of that before. I never even knew they did that. I knew what I wanted to do in college but after not being accepted into the program twice over, I decided to change my major in order to get through college and I liked it 🙂

      I know some jobs in the states pay for your schooling depending on the major and what job you have and some, it is like the benefits of that job, which I find to be really awesome.

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    18. Yeah a girl I talked to once told me her dad was a veteran and was homeless for some time because he didn’t get much benefits and he has PTSD and stuff which was sad.
      Yeah the university sponsors your research and everything. I really liked that and that’s why I decided to go to Canada instead of the US. Plus I’m getting better offers for scholarships there too.
      Oh that’s pretty cool! And really nice of them.


  2. This post is so important, we must also listen to others advice and judge if it’s worthwhile in the long run to follow it too if we’re going to go anywhere. Loved this post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would have to agree. I think knowing the pros and cons and deciding if it is worth our while is very important. We can’t always jump at every opportunity given, sometimes we have to weigh our options and decide what is best for us and how. Thank you:)


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    1. Joe,
      This is probably true as well, never really thought about that. Work ethic does make a difference as to whether someone will be able to even meet goals and deadlines. Very good point you made. Some people live in their daydreams and others are living them 🙂


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  3. Awesome article. So many times in the past, I’ve gotten started working out and then it fizzled out. This last time I’m actually sticking to it (it’s been months and I’m still going strong!) because I’ve started to embrace the Nike slogan – JUST DO IT!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much!
      I know the feeling all too well, as a matter of fact I made this post for myself.. but it ended up being one that everyone could relate to themselves, which is always a perk 😀 I love the Nike slogan, it is very straight to the point.

      I believe you will do wonders this time around, keep focused and headstrong, you got this!

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    2. Thank you! It’s funny because you never really get the true meaning of “Just do it” until you’re actually doing it. I know that sounds weird, but I think a lot of people see that slogan and don’t think much of it. Only some people read that and take it as a challenge. Hopefully that makes sense.

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    3. Yes, this makes perfect sense to me. Honestly, I never thought of “Just do it” as anything other than a way to get my money! lol. — like just buy these new NIKE shoes or leggings! lol but when applied to my own life (whether it be fitness related or work related, etc) I never once put that slogan into use. Ir wasn’t until I looked over all my goals I had written down and seen how many I wanted to do and how many I came up with excuses for not doing, that I then realized .. if I want something as badly as I say I do, why not just do it, and take that chance.

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  4. Hey Shay-lon,

    I’m 23 and really into fitness and I’ve realised recently how some of my most athletic friends don’t really exercise anymore. It’s crazy and I think quite sad! I feel like exercise and eating well can cure so many things that we treat with medication and supplements (obviously not all, I’m speaking about things such as tiredness and lack of energy – it can also lift your mood!). It was just an observation that I made recently – this isn’t a criticism – everybody can make their own decisions.

    You are right, many people speak about how they are going to get into exercise just like many other goals – weather its dancing, seeing friends more often or drinking less. But in relation to exercise, I think after a while of not doing it for so long, people don’t know how to restart, almost as if they have an inferiority complex but maybe it’s not so serious – simply just nerves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey!
      Awesome feedback, that is quite an observation and one that honesty astounds me as well. I believe with exercise and like anything else in life that we stop doing for a long period of time, we lose lack of interest or make other commitments that would replace what we used to do. Sometimes it is for the good and sometimes it isn’t.. I don’t think it is easy to start anything these days, much easier to make excuses , lol. but once you start and get into routine, it becomes a hell of a lot easier ..

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: virginia shutt
  6. We all set expectations too high because it is easier to dream than functioning in reality. I remember the first time when I’ve stepped into a gym 10 years ago, it was all about the looks and girls, in the end it turned into something else, more personal. We set up vague plans because its trendy but for those who’ve past the 2 years mark, made solid objectives, are now smart enough to make choices and stick to them. Fitness is more than having a set of visible abs (not that is wrong with that but…). Some won’t get that far enough, others build something special, it is very broad and individually unique.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey,
      Awesome way of putting things, I agree, we are all individuals on a different path and will gain different results from what goals we do make for ourselves. Thanks for sharing.


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  7. As a Personal trainer, this literally could not be more on point. People constantly want to do something but have yet to actually take the action. It only takes 21 days to make a habit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is very true! I have to say, more and more people I speak to about wanting to better themselves physically have a goal in mind and what day they want to start and the day they want to meet their goal but somehow they end up not following through with it and then it is back to starting position one again.



  8. Pingback: GAINS WORKOUT
  9. Yess! I just started my blog and the latest post is on my motivation and fitness story. I totally agree, to achieve anything you just have to stand up from your butt and do it. Most of all, do it for yourself – to feel better and to be healthier!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I love your list. I would say setting a specific date to start would help some. It will hold you accountable. I know it helps me with my goals. If i write down On June 9, i will start to _______, I now have specific date to start my plan of action. The old saying, “Someday is not a day on the calendar”, is very true. Writing down my goals, my specific plan, and the date I will start, makes it seem like “yea I got this under control and can do this!”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are very correct. I like that, it is smart goals that get people moving toward starting. Being specific is part of having smart goals.. thanks for sharing your own experience with it and feedback 😀


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  11. Isn’t it funny that we have to make a conscious effort to remind ourselves not to give up? It can be so reassuring though, saying those words to yourself: “don’t give up.” Nice post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      It is kind of interesting how saying things to ourselves or having to remind ourselves about not wanting to give up, wanting to keep going, etc can really change how we think or make as more apt to continue.



    1. Well Hey There,
      Thank you so much! I appreciate it and I love being able to give people more than just a fitness/health outlook but the mindset behind it, because it does take a certain mindset just like many other things in life.


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