The 3 day Quote Challenge- day three

3 Day Quote Challenge

Thank you my dear blogger friend PoojaG for nominating me for this challenge once again, you have been an awesome blogger and continue to find amazing words of inspiration for your audience. I hope all of you have had the chance to keep up with her blog post for this 3 day quote challenge, her quotes have been fun to read and very meaningful. 

Rules to be followed:

  • 3 quotes each day
  • 3 nominees to be nominated (no repetition!)
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Inform the nominees

My quotes for today are:

  1. “Success is a lousy teacher.  It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose” -Bill Gates
  2. “Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines” – Robert H. Schuller
  3. “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph” – Thomas Paine 

My nominees:

  1. Tosha Michelle
  2. reallifestylex
  3. DanielWallDammit

Hope you have enjoyed my quotes! feel free to share. 


Published by WonderWoman & Fit

You can assume I have a love for fitness & a love for Wonderwoman -- both assumptions are correct. I am an ACSM certified personal trainer of 8+ years -- I currently reside in Ohio and live a simplistic life at the age of 29. If I am not lifting, I am eating, sleeping, traveling, exploring, or movie watching. I recently moved during a pandemic, now I am focused on self care (self love), building a business of my own in personal training, becoming a professional blogger, starting a podcast and doing things that make me happy! I am a sister, daughter, and loyal friend --- I love everyone's dog and I am on a mission to pet as many dogs as possible everywhere I go! LOL. My mission is to talk health (physical/mental), design programming, motivational speak, learn, grow, prosper, build others and make as many people smile as possible because I want nothing more than to be the change I seek in the world.

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